Artist Kai-Uwe Gundlach
From the Twins Series I 2020
Known for his polished and colorful images, Kai-Uwe Gundlach creates photographs that combine an off-the-cuff approach with extensive post-production. Gundlach trained with advertising photographers, developing technical precision and an eye for unusual perspectives on familiar themes such as cityscapes and landscapes. Gundlach takes Polaroid shots before capturing his images digitally; he then consults the Polaroids in post-production, adjusting the color palette in his digital images. “My wish is to not create the work new, but to put in some little things, the color tone…that makes the photo more interesting,” Gundlach has said. Often, his color schemes veer out of the realm of reality, creating a fresh approach to rote imagery through a hyperbolic manipulation of light and environment. (